Background Check for Dating Safety? Check out TSA Pre-Check!
Hello, wonderful women! As you know, dating safety is paramount. And dating apps may or may not (mostly not) provide you with the ability to background check that hottie who’s winking at you. And since you’re not in the business of babysitting grown adults with sketchy pasts, TSA Pre-Check may be your new BFF to make sure that YOU are not part of their future.
What’s TSA Pre-Check Anyway?
If you’ve never flown, TSA Pre-Check is a U.S. government program that let’s you breeze through airport security. Fewer shoes off, laptop stays packed away and no need to unpack that toiletry bag. Convenient, yes. But here’s the best part! To get TSA Pre-Check, a person has to pass a background check! (Wink!)
TSA Pre-Check: Your Boarding Pass to Fly Through Airport and Dating Security
The Connection: TSA Pre-Check and Criminal Past
This isn’t to say that TSA is your personal dating security service, but it can be a tool in your personal safety for dating. If they’ve got TSA Pre-Check, they probably don’t have a criminal history. Boom! TSA does a pretty through check, The process includes looking at local, state and federal databases and checking applicants against the no-fly list, criminal records and other potentially relevant sources of information. Applicants also have to submit fingerprints, so an FBI screening can be done.
How to Ask THE Question!
So just when do you ask THE question? Put your Flirty Detective hat on, because here’s where it gets fun!
“So, Chris…I love to fly. Don’t you love TSA Pre-Check? Do you have it?” If your date says yes: Win/Win! They probably aren’t a felon. If the answer is no, they may just not like to fly, and you’ll have to keep your detective hat on a while longer.
Some Caveats (Because Nothing Worthwhile is Ever That Simple)
Look, TSA Pre-Check isn’t a full-fledged FBI check. Just because someone doesn't have it doesn't make them public enemy #1. And there are plenty of reasons one might not opt for Pre-Check: cost, infrequent travel, or maybe just sheer laziness. Don't write someone off too quickly. And just because someone does have it, it doesn’t mean that they’re squeaky clean. It could just mean that they haven’t been caught. TSA Pre-Check is just another tool for you to keep yourself safe.
The Bottom Line
While using TSA Pre-Check as your unofficial dating background check might be a tad untraditional, it can be a fun conversation starter. Plus, if your date does have Pre-Check, think about all the travel possibilities! Romantic weekend getaways without the security line hassle.
Lovelies, always remember safety first, but don't lose your sense of humor. Happy dating! 🛫💑🔍
(Note: TSA Pre-Check is just a fun suggestion. For any serious concerns about a person's past, please consult proper channels and authorities.)