Selling Houses Without Selling Out on Safety - 10 Ways Women Realtors Can Stay Safe
If you're a female realtor, you know that apart from needing to know the difference between a Colonial and a Cape Cod, you also need to have a solid safety plan. Why? Because the world's not always sunshine and open houses. But fear not! September is Realtor Safety Month and we’re getting a jump on it! We've got you covered with some top-notch tips to ensure you’re selling houses without compromising on your safety.
Hey there, powerhouse realtors! 🏡 If you're a female realtor, you know that apart from needing to know the difference between a Colonial and a Cape Cod, you also need to have a solid safety plan. Why? Because the world's not always sunshine and open houses. But fear not! September is Realtor Safety Month and we’re getting a jump on it! We've got you covered with some top-notch tips to ensure you’re selling houses without compromising on your safety.
Most Realtors are Female Entrepreneurs
These tips can actually help all realtors, so you can share these with your male colleagues. But according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 66% of all realtors are female. And women have comprised the majority of realtors since 1978! So, let’s see how you entrepreneur queen realtors can stay safe!
10 Tips for Realtor Safety
Trust Those Gut Feelings: Ladies, your safety intuition is basically your internal alarm system. We write more about it here. If something feels off, it probably is. It's not just last night's burrito or your imagination talking. Listen to it!
Buddy System is the Best System: Why go solo when you can double the fun (and double the safety)? Have a colleague or friend accompany you to house showings, especially if it's a new client or a secluded property. That isn’t always possible, we get it. But if you are alone in a property with a male, you don’t need to follow him through the place, you can just wait by the front door. Also use the Buddy System for Open Houses... unscrupulous characters can make note of advertised open houses and watch the traffic at the house for when you might be alone. Do them in pairs!
Meet Before You Greet: Before you meet someone at a property, have them come to the office first. This way, your colleagues know who you’re with and can get a feel for them too. Also, Make a copy of the prospective client's driver's license for yourself and for the receptionist at your office. If anything happens, then the office will know who you're with, and the buyer will know they do. If they insist on meeting you at a home without coming to the office first, ask them to email their drivers license to you. If they won't, you know something's not right!
Keep it Bright and Light: Schedule showings during daylight hours. Besides, who wants to show a house in the dark?
Tech is Your BFF: There are a bunch of safety apps out there designed for realtors. They can send alerts, track your location, or even record audio discreetly. Welcome to the future, where safety is just a tap away.
Plan Your Escape: Not to sound all James Bond-y, but always know your exits in a home. If things go south, you should know your way out, minus the dramatic soundtrack.
Park Smart: Never let your car get boxed in. Park on the street or in a way that you can quickly make a getaway if needed.
Personal Info? Nope: Be like a vault when it comes to personal details. Your client needs to know about the property, not whether you're single, have three cats, or love salsa dancing on Fridays.
Hands-Free is the Way to Be: Wear ear pods to make and take calls but keep them in transparent mode so you can talk and hear what the client is saying. This not only keeps your calls private, but also leaves your hands free, which is essential if you need to open doors or, you know, fend off unexpected surprises.
Keep Personal Defense Tools Close at Hand: There are three easy tools that you can have at hand. Joy talked about these with Kirsten Joyce for KLAS TV Las Vegas. Here’s what we recommend (links to tools highlighted below):
Pepper spray/gel: Spray it right at their face. This particular model also contains UV dye to mark the person for later identification by the police - similar to the dye used to mark money in banks.
Tactical pen: It’s a real pen that can be used to fend off an attacker; made of hardened aluminum. Stab them in the hand or any other vulnerable place.
Handheld flashlight: Small enough to fit in your hand. Great for power failures, but also fits in your hand and can be used as a weapon. Shine it in someone’s eyes if you’re in trouble. They won’t expect it, and it will temporarily blind and disorient them. Use that time to make your getaway.
So, there you have it! As a fierce and fabulous female realtor, your safety should always come first. And with these tips, you're not just selling houses; you're making sure the only thing you're risking is a potential buyer saying no. And remember, ladies: while you're out there making those sales, don't let anyone sell you short on your safety! 💁♀️💪🔑🏡
Background Check for Dating Safety? Check out TSA Pre-Check!
As you know, dating safety is paramount. And dating apps may or may not (mostly not) provide you with the ability to background check that hottie who’s winking at you. And since you’re not in the business of babysitting grown adults with sketchy pasts, TSA Pre-Check may be your new BFF to make sure that YOU are not part of their future.
Hello, wonderful women! As you know, dating safety is paramount. And dating apps may or may not (mostly not) provide you with the ability to background check that hottie who’s winking at you. And since you’re not in the business of babysitting grown adults with sketchy pasts, TSA Pre-Check may be your new BFF to make sure that YOU are not part of their future.
What’s TSA Pre-Check Anyway?
If you’ve never flown, TSA Pre-Check is a U.S. government program that let’s you breeze through airport security. Fewer shoes off, laptop stays packed away and no need to unpack that toiletry bag. Convenient, yes. But here’s the best part! To get TSA Pre-Check, a person has to pass a background check! (Wink!)
TSA Pre-Check: Your Boarding Pass to Fly Through Airport and Dating Security
The Connection: TSA Pre-Check and Criminal Past
This isn’t to say that TSA is your personal dating security service, but it can be a tool in your personal safety for dating. If they’ve got TSA Pre-Check, they probably don’t have a criminal history. Boom! TSA does a pretty through check, The process includes looking at local, state and federal databases and checking applicants against the no-fly list, criminal records and other potentially relevant sources of information. Applicants also have to submit fingerprints, so an FBI screening can be done.
How to Ask THE Question!
So just when do you ask THE question? Put your Flirty Detective hat on, because here’s where it gets fun!
“So, Chris…I love to fly. Don’t you love TSA Pre-Check? Do you have it?” If your date says yes: Win/Win! They probably aren’t a felon. If the answer is no, they may just not like to fly, and you’ll have to keep your detective hat on a while longer.
Some Caveats (Because Nothing Worthwhile is Ever That Simple)
Look, TSA Pre-Check isn’t a full-fledged FBI check. Just because someone doesn't have it doesn't make them public enemy #1. And there are plenty of reasons one might not opt for Pre-Check: cost, infrequent travel, or maybe just sheer laziness. Don't write someone off too quickly. And just because someone does have it, it doesn’t mean that they’re squeaky clean. It could just mean that they haven’t been caught. TSA Pre-Check is just another tool for you to keep yourself safe.
The Bottom Line
While using TSA Pre-Check as your unofficial dating background check might be a tad untraditional, it can be a fun conversation starter. Plus, if your date does have Pre-Check, think about all the travel possibilities! Romantic weekend getaways without the security line hassle.
Lovelies, always remember safety first, but don't lose your sense of humor. Happy dating! 🛫💑🔍
(Note: TSA Pre-Check is just a fun suggestion. For any serious concerns about a person's past, please consult proper channels and authorities.)
The Curious Case of the Love Bomber and How to Recognize One
Hello, lovelies! Today, we’re diving into a topic that sounds like a romantic who-done-it with a dark plot twist: Love Bombing. Picture this scene: You, swept off your feet, showered with affection and treated like a VIP on your first date! You feel like you just won the relationship lottery! Finally! Someone who recognizes how special you are! Well, hold those heart emojis back for right now, because there’s more to this story than meets the eye.
Hello, lovelies! Today, we’re diving into a topic that sounds like a romantic who-done-it with a dark plot twist: Love Bombing. Picture this scene: You, swept off your feet, showered with affection and treated like a VIP on your first date! You feel like you just won the relationship lottery! Finally! Someone who recognizes how special you are! Well, hold those heart emojis back for right now, because there’s more to this story than meets the eye.
But by the end of this article, you’ll be able to use your Safety Intuition to see through this scam every time. So put on your Flirty Detective hat on and let’s decode the Curious Case of the Love-Bomber. You’ll find out how you can have fun dating but still steer clear of the sneaky pitfalls of being Love Bombed.
Here’s how someone who’d been Love-Bombed would describe the process to a criminal sketch artist:
The Sugar-Rush. Imagine your honey turning into a human confetti cannon: Showering you with compliments, texts, calls, gifts - a never-ending attention machine. It’s all so overwhelmingly sweet that it should come with a sugar-rush warning! This is the initial dazzling spectacle of love bombing! It feels like a first-class ticket to Cloud Nine, but it veers into turbulence pretty quickly.
Clues That You’ve Stumbled onto a Love Bomber:
They’re in the Express Lane to a Relationship: They declare their undying love and try to rush you into committing faster than you can say “relationship status update.”
Attention Overdose: Your phone’s battery can barely keep up with all of the texts and calls, and there are so many surprise gifts!
Where Did Everyone Go? Love Bombers are experts at whisking you away from family and friends, turning your world into a cozy twosome. You’ll find it romantic at first, but they have bigger plans in mind.
Invasion of the Comfort Zone: Your personal space and time suddenly feels like a free-for-all zone as they barge into every aspect of your life without so much as “knock-knock.”
The Love Bombing + Domestic Abuse Tango: Don’t get your dance moves ready quite yet - Love Bombing can lead to a dance you didn’t sign up for: The Domestic Abuse Tango. Once you’re emotionally hooked, the music suddenly shifts, and controlling behavior takes center stage. What started as a whirlwind romance becomes a power play. Time to reclaim those moves (and your power) and find your closest exit!
Breaking Free and Rocking Your Own Beat
Detective Vibes: Trust your inner Sherlock and your Safety Intuition. If things seem too good to be true, be that Flirty Detective and be on the lookout for clues. Trust yourself and don’t dismiss your own inner voice.
Boundary Bliss: Set your boundaries like a pro, and don’t be afraid to enforce them with a superhero stance. Be Persuasion-Proof!
Friendships Unite: Keep your squad up to speed! Make sure they’re there to cheer you on and provide a reality check if you need one. Listen up when they tell you things are looking suspicious.
Love Yourself. Queen: Remember, you deserve a love story that’s real! One that’s built on respect, trust, communication and laughter. Don’t settle for less!
So, there you have it, lovelies! Love Bombing might be the plot twist you didn’t see coming. But armed with awareness, a plan and a sense of humor, you can rewrite your own story. Let’s dismiss the dramatics and embrace relationships that are real.
Keep those hearts open and your Safety Intuition sharp, because you’ve got the power to spot a Love Bomb from a mile away. Stay fabulous, stay fierce and keep that love real!
Empowering Women: Trusting Your Safety Intuition
In a world where personal safety is paramount, we all possess a powerful tool: our safety intuition. And this innate sense of awareness and perception can play a crucial role in keeping women safe from potential dangers. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of safety intuition, its significance, and provide practical tips for women and girls to harness and trust their safety intuition effectively.
Your Safety Intuition Alerts You to Danger
We All Possess a Powerful Tool: Safety Intuition
In a world where personal safety is paramount, we all possess a powerful tool: our safety intuition. And this innate sense of awareness and perception can play a crucial role in keeping women safe from potential dangers. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of safety intuition, its significance, and provide practical tips for women and girls to harness and trust their safety intuition effectively.
Safety Intuition isn’t some mystical power. It’s actually an ability that everyone has.
Understanding Safety Intuition
Safety intuition, often referred to as a "gut feeling" or "sixth sense," is the subconscious ability to perceive potential threats or risks in a given situation. Everyone has Safety Intuition because we all have a subconscious. And research has shown that our subconscious is a survival mechanism that is constantly scanning our environment for threats. While it might not always be easy to explain, many women can recall moments when their intuition sent a clear signal that something was off or unsafe. This process responds to your surroundings and other situations far faster than we’re aware of. And a lot differently from the logical thought patterns that we’re used to.
Since it goes far faster than we’re used to, most people, especially women who’ve been socialized to pay more attention to others than they do to themselves, just ignore it. But our primal instinct, honed by evolution, is a powerful tool that can be refined and sharpened over time.
So that gut feeling is actually your subconscious noticing that something is wrong in your environment and alerting you to pay attention.
Why Trusting Your Intuition Matters
Trusting your safety intuition is crucial because it’s your early warning system. It's your body's way of signaling that something might not be quite right, even if you can't put your finger on exactly why. Women who learn to listen to and act upon their safety intuition are better equipped to make informed decisions that prioritize their safety. Respect the feeling. Even if you can’t rationally explain it.
Tips for Honing and Trusting Your Safety Intuition:
Acknowledge and Validate: Start by acknowledging your feelings of safety intuition. Sometimes, societal norms might lead us to doubt ourselves, but it's important to validate your instincts.
Reflect on Past Experiences: Take time to reflect on moments when your intuition proved accurate. What were the signs or sensations you felt? Learning from these experiences can help you better recognize your safety intuition in the future.
Stay Present: Practice mindfulness and staying present to observe your surroundings. It doesn’t mean that you have to paranoid and live in the “red zone.” But being aware of your environment can help you pick up on subtle cues that your safety intuition might be signaling. Maybe that guy next to you on the subway keeps looking at you. Or has imperceptibly moved closer to you. Maybe the person you’re passing on the street is sizing you up for a robbery in the parking lot. They may be checking out all of the shopping bags you’re carrying.
Listen to Physical Reactions: Pay attention to physical reactions like a racing heart, chills, or a knot in your stomach. Or even just a vague sense of unease. Remember that these responses occur far faster than you may be used to. Your bodily responses can be indicators of your safety intuition alerting you to a potential threat. If it feels wrong, look around, Listen. Pay attention. What’s your Safety Intuition telling you?
Prioritize Boundaries: Establishing personal boundaries and asserting them when necessary can align with your intuition. If a situation or person makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to remove yourself.
Carry Self-Defense Devices: Empower yourself by carrying pepper spray/gel, personal sonic alarm systems, or a flashlight that you can shine into a predator’s eyes to disorient them. Have these devices in hand, not buried in your purse or bag because you’ll lose precious time looking for them when you need them. Knowing that you have the tools to protect yourself can boost your confidence in trusting your safety intuition.
Trusting your safety intuition is not just about self-preservation; it's about embracing your innate power and agency. We possess an incredible gift that can guide us towards making safer choices and navigating the world with confidence. And as women, we can empower ourselves by listening to our own instincts. By honing and trusting your safety intuition, you are taking an important step towards ensuring your well-being and reclaiming your personal space in an often-unpredictable world. Remember, your safety intuition is a valuable tool – listen to it, respect it, and let it guide you on your journey to safety and empowerment.